What Is A Good Iron Supplement?
Hi, ladies
So my doctor recently told me that I am officially becoming borderline anemic with how much blood I am losing every month. She put me on the brand Thorne but it made me breakout in itchy hives. Have any of you tried a different iron supplement that you liked/worked well?
Thanks in advance!
I didn’t like how iron supplements felt either. I prefer eating grass fed beef liver as it is high in iron and has cofactors and other nutrients. If you can handle the flavor it’s great!
What Was Endo Surgery Like And The Recovery Process?
Finally got diagnosed the end of last year with endometriosis. I also have interstitial cystitis (pelvic pain syndrome) and pelvic floor dysfunction. I have never had surgery and it is going to be a joint surgery with my bladder specialist and endometriosis specialist. They are going to look inside the bladder during the surgery as well
I would say it depends how severe everything is when they go in for surgery but I would say 4-6 weeks but I would say don't overdue it as it can cause more pain and try to seat when possible. I've had… read more
Just Got Scheduled For My Laparoscopy (yay!) But It’s Two Weeks Before My Bridal Shower (yikes). Am I Going To Be Fully Recovered By Then?
Don't do any heavy lifting. The general anesthesia takes about a week or 2 to make you feel less like a zombie tires and achy feeling. Think flu symptoms don't over do it.
Spotting After 4 Years On Visanne
Hi Ladies, I have been on Visanne for almost 4 years or so and now I have been spotting for the past 3 months. Has anyone stopped Visanne and went back onto a pill with any success and being pain free?
Feedback Would Be Much Appreciated On Endo And Its Effect On Blood Pressure Becoming Raised ?
Has Anyone Tried Em-Femme?
My mom mentioned she's trying a different type of treatment for incontinence and thought maybe this could help with endo. Anyone heard of it or tried it?
What Advice Are You Grateful To Share With Others About Endometriosis?
Please forward all queries to (Email address can only be seen by the question and answer creators) as I may not be able to access this email address anymore. Thank you, Charlotte Carter 🙂
Surgery Photos Included! Struggling To Understand Photos
Hi All,
I have just received my laparoscopy pictures from when i was diagnosed with endometriosis. I am struggling to see where the endo is as the photos are so dark and blurry. Has anyone else had this problem? Or is anyone able to see anything in my photos?
Thankyou so much for the reply!! I thought the photos were a lot harder to read than other photos i’ve seen which is why i sent it to this chat. I had one area removed and was told it was a tiny bit… read more
Has Anyone Diagnosed With With Endometriosis Tried Metagenics Estrovera Or Estroven For Perimenopause Anxiety? Did It Make The Endo Worse?
Oh no, thanks for letting me know!😣
How Many Surgeries Can You Have With Endometriosis?
I’ve currently had 13, it’s hard on the mind and body but what else can you do lol