Heyy Everyone . I Would Like To Know An Alternative For Vissane Coz Its Not Shrinking My Ovarian Cyst And New Ones Keep Poping..
Can Someone Recommend Me A Good Endometriosis Consultant In The North East Of England?
Hi, my name is Beth, I’m 25 and I’m on my journey to get diagnosed with endometriosis as my symptoms only seem to worse with age. Unfortunately I have come to a dead end and have decided to go private to get some answers. If anyone from the North East / Northumberland area has any recommendations I would be so grateful. Thank you.
Anyone Have Excess Estrogen? I Have A Mirena Coil In For 15 Years, And On Prostap For 9 Months, And Still Sky High Estrogen Levels?
I've had 5 surgeries to remove endo and cysts. Hysteroscopies, colposcopies galore. My coil likes to go hiking
I'm currently on prostap and mirena to help shut my ovaries down. I don't think it's working! Specialist said it's impossible that my ovaries are still working, but blood test results indicate my estrogen is still way too high. I'm on a low histamine diet to reduce the histamine/estrogen loop. I'm taking testosterone as level was near zero, I don't drink, I'm on the very low end of… read more
I Have Been Bleeding After I’ve Finished Taking Visanne For 3 Months. I’m On My Fifth Day. My OB Gave Me Txa. Has Anyone Experienced This?
Alguien Con Endometriosis Torácica..
Should You Disclose Your Health Condition To Your Employer?
I discussed in this MedPage article how debating if and how I was going to disclose to my new job as a medical resident: https://www.medpagetoday.com/opinion/second-opi...
Has Anyone Gone Through IVF With An Endometrioma? I’m Trying To Decide If I Should Get It Removed Or Not Before Starting IVF.
Has Anyone Had Full Hysterectomy
Recommendation Needed For Dr. (endo/Gyn Specialist- NOT Surgeon) In Washington, D.C.
For 23 yo daughter diagnosed by laparoscopy at age 16; on 400mg progesterone daily. Has many side effects and breakthrough bleeding.
Lack Of Libido
I started taking prostap injections in April this year. Which have been amazing for me. over the last few months my other half has been picking arguments because I haven’t been interested in sex. He now thinks I aren’t attracted to him. (We get married this year after being together 11 years and have 2 children together) as much as I tell him I am attracted to him he said actions speak louder than words. And I just don’t know what to do. I am attracted to him but I just don’t feel like… read more