Arguing For Laparoscopy (UK NHS) | MyEndometriosisTeam

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Arguing For Laparoscopy (UK NHS)
A MyEndometriosisTeam Member asked a question 💭

Hi all.

I'm hoping it's okay for me to be here - I do not yet have a diagnosis of endometriosis, but strongly suspect that I have it. I have a diagnosis of crohn's disease that was given 16 years ago, and have long been told I have IBS in addition to that. It's only actually relatively recently that I heard what endo is, and looking into things, I grew concerned that my digestive issues may actually be bowel endometriosis masquerading as IBD and IBS.

I have a lot of the common symptoms of… read more

posted October 17, 2018
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A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

Hi Mattie,

Thank you for your reply! Patient Choice sounds very interesting! My GP did tell me that I would be getting a letter for the choose and book service to book my appointment, which I think might be a similar-ish thing but more limited? It seems to offer a few hospitals in the local area, but certainly doesn't allow requesting specific consultants, so I will 100% keep that in mind for if I run into troubles.

THANK YOU, that's what I thought!! It seems ridiculous to run the risk of constantly throwing drugs at the IBD which have massively damaging side-effects, when it might not even be that that's making me unwell X'D Hopefully I'm worrying for nothing and things will go smoothly, but some of the horror stories of dismissive gynaecologists make me worry.

posted October 19, 2018
A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

Hi Caoimhe,

Thank you so much for that, that's very reassuring to hear! I will very much cross my fingers for a similar experience, but be prepared to argue it if need be. Seems bizarre that some gyaecologists can be so understanding and accommodating, then some... less so...!

posted October 18, 2018
A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

Hi ColourMeSurprised, i recently got refered to an NHS gynaecologist. I was expecting to have to argue the case for a Lap and went armed with over 2 months worth of day by day pain diary etc. However, we had a discussion about my histroy and they immediately suggested a Lap - no arguing required. My sympotms are not as severe as those you have described. So i would suggest dont get too worried about the appointment, hopefully your GP is just making you aware of the financial strain on the NHS but under NICE guidelines i believe you are entitled to request a Lap from your local hospital.

posted October 18, 2018
A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

Thanks for the advice, Mikro! She did refer me, so that's fine, it's the actual gynaecology appointment I'm concerned about. I suppose it's just a case of being clear about the fact I want a lap and making that very blunt. Oh, I totally believe you about the fobbing off to save money thing - that's exactly what my GP has been very open about saying. My daily life is already extremely compromised (not able to keep a normal 9-5 job as a result - currently working teaching online from home as it's more flexible and all I can manage) so at least I have the motivation to insist. Thank you, and I'm sorry to hear about how hard you've had to work to get them to take you seriously! <3

DoubleN___Jenn, that's great, I'm so happy for you! Unfortunately, I suspect the fact that you are in the US might have helped with his willingness to schedule? I'm in the UK on the NHS and from what I hear, they do NOT like scheduling laps unless the endo is causing infertility. Which is ridiculous, given the other symptoms it can cause in addition to that can be debilitating! But yes, it's a resources issue - they're expensive and cost the NHS a lot to go ahead with. I'll keep my fingers crossed the gynaecologist I see is as cooperative as your doctor, but my pessimism is insisting that won't be the case. :'(

posted October 18, 2018
A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

I walked in to a doctors office and asked him for a lap. He agreed and it was scheduled. You shouldn’t have to argue that hard. It’s your body you deserve to know what’s going on in it.
I never considered the effect of a lap and the pregnancy timeline but just make sure you tell your gyn your goals and if he/she doesn’t listen find someone else who does.

posted October 17, 2018

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