Dose Luperon Depto Get Worse Every Time You Get The Shot?
So far I have had 3 1 month shots and each month my symptoms are worse. I have bad hot flashes and I am also on progesterone tablets.
I’m so sorry to hear it hasn’t gotten any better and that you’re going through this.
What Is Better Lupron Or IUD
I have to make a decision between Lupron or IUD as the birth control pill is no longer an option for me. What does everyone feel is better for pain relief and elimination of growth?
I have the Mirena IUD as birth control and still use Lupron for endo. So it’s not really a choice between the two. Lupron was hard on my overall system but I got significant pain relief from my… read more
Hi ladies. I am new here and i guess relatively new to the world of endo. I went to the ER about 2 month's ago for pain that wasnt going away. They found a large cyst on my left ovary after multiple tests. I found an amazing dr and he did excision surgery a month ago. He said i have stage 4 endo. He removed the cyst and the endo he could but unfortunately alot remains. I am starting Lupron on Monday (dr also stated hes putting me on an "add on" medication as well). Any positive experiences on Lu… read more
I am a 51 yr old female experiencing lower abdominal pain, bloating, fullness,more gas than normal, mote weight gain, if i move too fast the sudden sharp pain stops me in my tracks. I have had a… read more
Orilissa Treatment
Hey ladies! I will be having my left ovary removed soon. I keep becoming septic and in and out of the hospital. My Doctor would like me to start on Orilissa after my surgery. Can I hear your stories about this medication?
Period After Lypron
Hi girls!!I was on lypron 3.75 and its been 8weeks since my last injection and still no period.How long it takes to come back??
Orillisa Pill?
Any one taking orillisa pills?
How have you been feeling??
What is everyone's opinions and experiences on the Lupron shot?
I did. I wouldn't do it again. My cyst has grown.. Pain is just as severe and then you have the awful side effects.
Has Anyone Had Any Problems Getting Pregnant After Taken The Lupron Injections For 6 Months? Do You Think That The Lupron Helped?
I am starting on the Lupron injections Friday. I will be on it for 6 months my doctor seems to think that it is going to help me with my endo and also thinks that when I come off of it I wont have any problems getting pregnant afterwards. I am just wanting to see what the success rate has been with getting pregnant after the Lupron. TIA
Transition From Visanne To Lupron
Hi There! I luckily met with a new specialist for my endometrioma (chocolate cyst) & fibroids. She is switching me to Lupron as it addresses both chocolate cyst and fibroids while Visanne only works for endometrioma. Anyone here have experience in Lupron?
Hi @A MyEndometriosisTeam Member. How was the effect of Lupron to you? Did it shrink your endo? On your first month of taking it did you have a period?