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Top 10 search results for "has anyone else had stuff leaking from their belly button after laparoscopic surgery" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Do They Use The Same Holes For All Your Larascopys Or Do They Make New Ones Every Time?

A MyEndometriosisTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

i have had so many that sometimes they would use the same holes, but they also go in to the old ones as well. have about 6 small incisions on my belly, one close to the vagina and the one in my belly… read more

Has Anyone Had Drainage From Their Belly Button After Laparoscopy?

A MyEndometriosisTeam Member asked a question 💭

Do I need to see my doctor about this? I had my endo surgery 3ish weeks ago and everything is healing great. I just noticed earlier today that my belly button is oozing. It’s not red, warm, or inflamed. Is this a part of the normal healing process

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A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

Omg me too! Exactly the same. Im exactly 3 weeks post 2nd lap. Surgeon went into the same bellybutton hole as last time, so this time I have stitches whereas last time I’m pretty sure was only skin… read more

I Had Laparoscopic Surgery Due To Endometriosis In 2014 And Im Still Having Drainage From My Belly Button. Anyone Else Experience This?

A MyEndometriosisTeam Member asked a question 💭


A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

I had surgery in 2023 and did not experience any drainage. I recommend a follow up with the surgeon. Wishing you well.

Drainage From Belly Button 2 Weeks Post Laparoscopic Surgery, Belly Button Does Not Seem Infected, Has This Happened To Anyone?

A MyEndometriosisTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

I had a laparoscopy in 2014 and have the same problem…

Brown Stuff Around Belly Button After Laparoscopy

A MyEndometriosisTeam Member asked a question 💭


I had my laparoscopy 2 weeks ago and am healing well - no swelling, redness etc. However the past two days I’ve noticed I have light brown residue around my belly button. It doesn’t smell at all. My belly button incision all looks fine and there’s no pain etc.

Is this something anyone else has had? Do I need to see a doctor?

Thanks so much! Any help would be amazing!
Emma x

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A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

I have a similar issue in 2 months .. Did you see to doctor ? Any Surgeory again?

I afraid about surgeries ? Please suggest to me.

Has Anyone Also Experienced A Belly Button Infection After Laparoscopy?

A MyEndometriosisTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

Mine took about a month and a half to heal,how long did yours take?


A MyEndometriosisTeam Member asked a question 💭

Has anyone else ever had their incision in their belly button bust open and ooze with an awful odor months after surgery?

A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

I have a similar issue in 2 months .. Did you see to doctor ? Any Surgeory again?

I afraid about surgeries ? Please suggest to me.

I Had A Hysteroscopy And A Laproscopy Over A Week Ago And I Am Still Struggling With Pain In My Lower Back And Legs. Is This Normal?

A MyEndometriosisTeam Member asked a question 💭

I was diagnosed with endo stage 4 and was hoping on getting some insight as to why I have leg pain and why my healing is taking so long

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A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

I haven’t had a hysterectomy but Laproscopy yesss and two weeks before my lap I had emergency story is crazy how fast & unpredictable Endo is.. say I think the problem is is that people… read more

How To Speed Up The Diagnosis Process?

A MyEndometriosisTeam Member asked a question 💭

Hi everyone! When I first got my period at 10 years old (10 years ago now), I had extreme pain and so went to my gynaecologist who suggested that it may be endometriosis, but due to how young I was decided against doing a laparoscopy. Over the years I have tried 3 different types of birth controls, many different pain killers, anti inflammatories, etc., and I recently had an IUD put in. The pain has gotten worse over the years (and started to include massive back cramps, leg pain, etc.) and I am… read more

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A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

Have u tried changing your diet. Look up foods that cause inflammation. I’ve cut out a lot to try help with pain and passing clots. Foods u r cut out are. Red meat. All dairy. Gluten and eggs. And… read more

How Many Incisions

A MyEndometriosisTeam Member asked a question 💭

How many incisions did you guys have with laroscopy. I'm kinda surprised that I woke up with 3. Is this normal or did they do something else, I know they discussed cystoscopy

A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

Yep, it's down to the type of adhesive in the dressings, I had the same issue. My sister too! My belly button has a round 'halo' of scaring. Get adhesive dressing and plaster allergy added to your… read more